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pomp version 5.11 released

13 September 2024

pomp version 5.11 has been released to CRAN and will soon appear on CRAN mirrors everywhere. This is a bug-fix release, with no user-visible changes.

See the package NEWS for details.

pomp version 5.10 released

1 July 2024

pomp version 5.10 has been released to CRAN and will soon appear on CRAN mirrors everywhere. This release contains a change to the onestep rprocess simulator and some minor documentation improvements.

User-visible change

Suppose P is a ‘pomp’ object, with an rprocess component specified as onestep(f), where f is a C snippet or R function. Suppose also that t==time(P,t0=TRUE). In previous package versions, f would be executed to go from t[i] to t[i+1] if and only if t[i+1] > t[i]. As of version 5.9.1, f is executed exactly once even if t[i] == t[i+1]. If f is written correctly, this change will introduce no error. However, if the user’s code assumes that the time-step t[i+1]-t[i] (furnished to f as delta.t if f is an R function and dt if it is a C snippet) is strictly positive, then this change may introduce errors.

Please contact me via the package Issues page if you notice a change in the behavior of your codes upon update to pomp version 5.10.

pomp version 5.9 released

2 June 2024

pomp version 5.9 has been released to CRAN and will soon appear on a mirror near you. This release contains an important change to the user interface, as well as a bug fix and one new experimental feature.

User-visible change

As documented in the manual, basic model components have access to parameters, covariates, state variables, and in some cases, the data. To make additional elements available to the basic model components, pomp provides the “userdata” facility. From this version, such elements should be furnished to pomp functions in a list via the argument userdata. For the present, the old behavior will still work, but will generate a warning. In a future release, this will become an error.

Bug fix

A bug in covariate-table extrapolation for the case order="constant" has been fixed.

Feature enhancement

A new experimental function repair_lookup_table is provided to help eliminate unnecessary warnings about extrapolation. One can use it “repair” a covariate table that does not span the full temporal range of observations. This is simply a matter of performing the extrapolations and adding them to the lookup table. See the manual for more information and an example.

Other changes

Functions with names that include dots (.), which have been defunct since version 4.7, have now been expunged entirely.

pomp version 5.8 released

1 May 2024

pomp version 5.8 has been released to CRAN and is making its way to a mirror near you.

This release has no user-visible changes beyond minor adjustments of the documentation. It contains changes to the underlying C codes needed to keep pomp abreast of ongoing development of R. See the package NEWS for more details.

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This software has been made possible by support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grants #EF-0545276, #EF-0430120), by the “Inference for Mechanistic Models” Working Group supported by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (a Center funded by N.S.F. (Grant #DEB-0553768), the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the State of California), and by the RAPIDD program of the Science & Technology Directorate, Department of Homeland Security and the Fogarty International Center, U.S. National Institutes of Health.