I have just released pomp version 2.1 to CRAN. For the last six months, this has been available on the pomp website as the package pomp2.
Because it is not fully backward-compatible, pomp version 2 is being made available temporarily as the pomp2 package. Hopefully, most of you will have been using pomp2 for some time now, but if you find yourself needing to update old codes and workflows for the new version, have a look at the upgrade guide, which summarizes all the changes in version 2.
If you have pomp2 on your system, you should now remove it entirely, and replace all references to pomp2 in your codes with references to pomp.
As always, please don’t hesitate to bring questions, conundrums, puzzles, paradoxes, bugs, and feature requests, to my attention via by raising an Issue.