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Important Note: These materials have been superseded by materials provided as part of the as part of the SISMID short course on Simulation-based Inference.

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. Please share and remix noncommercially, mentioning its origin.
CC-BY_NC This document has its origins in the SISMID short course on Simulation-based Inference given by Aaron King and Edward Ionides.

Produced in R version 3.3.1 using pomp version


  1. To display a published case study using plug-and-play methods with non-trivial model complexities
  2. To show how extra-demographic stochasticity can be modeled
  3. To demonstrate the use of covariates in pomp
  4. To demonstrate the use of profile likelihood in scientific inference
  5. To discuss the interpretation of parameter estimates
  6. To emphasize the potential need for extra sources of stochasticity in modeling

Measles revisited

Motivation: challenges in inference from disease dynamics

  • Understanding, forecasting, managing epidemiological systems increasingly depends on models.
  • Dynamic models can be used to test causal hypotheses.
  • Real epidemiological systems:
    • are nonlinear
    • are stochastic
    • are nonstationary
    • evolve in continuous time
    • have hidden variables
    • can be measured only with (large) error
  • Dynamics of infectious disease outbreaks illustrate this well.

  • Measles is the paradigm for a nonlinear ecological system that can be well described by low-dimensional nonlinear dynamics.
  • A tradition of careful modeling studies have proposed and found evidence for a number of specific mechanisms, including
    • a high value of R0 (c. 15–20)
    • seasonality in transmission rates associated with school terms
    • a birth cohort effect
    • response to changing birth rates
    • under-reporting
    • fadeouts and reintroductions that scale with city size
    • spatial traveling waves
  • Much of this evidence has been amassed from fitting models to data, using a variety of methods.
  • See Rohani and King (2010) for a review of some of the high points.


  • We revisit a classic measles data set, weekly case reports in 954 urban centers in England and Wales during the pre-vaccine era (1950–1963).
  • We examine questions regarding:
    • measles extinction and recolonization
    • transmission rates
    • seasonality
    • resupply of susceptibles
  • We use a model that
    1. expresses our current understanding of measles dynamics
    2. includes a long list of mechanisms that have been proposed and demonstrated in the literature
    3. cannot be fit by existing likelihood-based methods
  • We examine data from large and small towns using the same model, something no existing methods have been able to do.
  • We ask: does our perspective on this disease change when we expect the models to explain the data in detail?
  • What bigger lessons can we learn regarding inference for dynamical systems?

He, Ionides, & King, J. R. Soc. Interface (2010)

Data sets

  • Twenty towns, including
    • 10 largest
    • 10 smaller, chosen at random
  • Population sizes: 2k–3.4M
  • Weekly case reports, 1950–1963
  • Annual birth records and population sizes, 1944–1963

Continuous-time Markov process model

Diagram of the model:

  • B(t)=birth rate, from data
  • N(t)=population size, from data
  • Overdispersed binomial measurement model: casest|ΔNIR=ztNormal(ρzt,ρ(1ρ)zt+(ψρzt)2)

  • Entry into susceptible class: μBS(t)=(1c)B(tτ)+cδ(tt0)tt1B(tτs)ds

  • Force of infection μSE(t)=β(t)N(t)(I+ι)ζ(t)

  • c=cohort effect
  • τ=school-entry delay
  • β(t)=school-term transmission={β0(1+a)during termβ0(1a)during vacation
  • ι=imported infections
  • ζ(t)=Gamma white noise with intensityσSE (He et al. 2010,Bhadra et al. (2011))

Model implementation

We’ll load the packages we’ll need, and set the random seed, to allow reproducibility. Note that we’ll be making heavy use of the data-munging methods in packages plyr and reshape2, a tutorial introduction to which is provided here. Also, we’ll be using ggplot2 for plotting: see this brief tutorial. Finally, we’ll use the convenient magrittr syntax, which is explained here.


Data and covariates

Now we’ll load the data and covariates. The data are measles reports from 20 cities in England and Wales. We also have information on the population sizes and birth-rates in these cities; we’ll treat these variables as covariates.

daturl <- ""
datfile <- file.path(tempdir(),"twentycities.rda")

In the following, we’ll be using the plyr, reshape2, and magrittr packages. These provide a number of tools for data munging that are extremely flexible and useful. A brief tutorial on these tools is provided here.

We select the data for London and pre-process the measles and demography data.

measles %>% 
  mutate(year=as.integer(format(date,"%Y"))) %>%
  subset(town=="London" & year>=1950 & year<1964) %>%
  mutate(time=(julian(date,origin=as.Date("1950-01-01")))/365.25+1950) %>%
  subset(time>1950 & time<1964, select=c(time,cases)) -> dat
demog %>% subset(town=="London",select=-town) -> demogLondon

We plot the data and covariates.

dat %>% ggplot(aes(x=time,y=cases))+geom_line()

demogLondon %>% melt(id="year") %>%

Now, we smooth the covariates. Note that we delay the entry of newborns into the susceptible pool.

demogLondon %>% 
  ) -> covar



The partially observed Markov process model

The (unobserved) process model

We propose a variant of the SEIR model as an explanation for these data. This is a compartmental model that, diagrammatically, looks as follows.

model diagram

model diagram

E=exposed, incubating

We require a simulator for this model. The following code implements a simulator.

Notable complexities include:

  1. Incorporation of the known birthrate.
  2. The birth-cohort effect: a specified fraction (cohort) of the cohort enter the susceptible pool aall at once.
  3. Seasonality in the transmission rate: during school terms, the transmission rate is higher than it is during holidays.
  4. Extra-demographic stochasticity in the form of a Gamma white-noise term acting multiplicatively on the force of infection.
  5. Demographic stochasticity implmented using Euler-multinomial distributions.
rproc <- Csnippet("
  double beta, br, seas, foi, dw, births;
  double rate[6], trans[6];
  // cohort effect
  if (fabs(t-floor(t)-251.0/365.0) < 0.5*dt) 
    br = cohort*birthrate/dt + (1-cohort)*birthrate;
    br = (1.0-cohort)*birthrate;

  // term-time seasonality
  t = (t-floor(t))*365.25;
  if ((t>=7&&t<=100) || (t>=115&&t<=199) || (t>=252&&t<=300) || (t>=308&&t<=356))
      seas = 1.0+amplitude*0.2411/0.7589;
      seas = 1.0-amplitude;

  // transmission rate
  beta = R0*(gamma+mu)*seas;
  // expected force of infection
  foi = beta*pow(I+iota,alpha)/pop;
  // white noise (extrademographic stochasticity)
  dw = rgammawn(sigmaSE,dt);

  rate[0] = foi*dw/dt;  // stochastic force of infection
  rate[1] = mu;             // natural S death
  rate[2] = sigma;        // rate of ending of latent stage
  rate[3] = mu;             // natural E death
  rate[4] = gamma;        // recovery
  rate[5] = mu;             // natural I death

  // Poisson births
  births = rpois(br*dt);
  // transitions between classes

  S += births   - trans[0] - trans[1];
  E += trans[0] - trans[2] - trans[3];
  I += trans[2] - trans[4] - trans[5];
  R = pop - S - E - I;
  W += (dw - dt)/sigmaSE;  // standardized i.i.d. white noise
  C += trans[4];           // true incidence

In the above, C represents the true incidence, i.e., the number of new infections occurring over an interval. Since recognized measles infections are quarantined, we argue that most infection occurs before case recognition so that true incidence is a measure of the number of individuals progressing from the I to the R compartment in a given interval.

We complete the process model definition by specifying the distribution of initial unobserved states. The following codes assume that the fraction of the population in each of the four compartments is known.

initlz <- Csnippet("
  double m = pop/(S_0+E_0+I_0+R_0);
  S = nearbyint(m*S_0);
  E = nearbyint(m*E_0);
  I = nearbyint(m*I_0);
  R = nearbyint(m*R_0);
  W = 0;
  C = 0;

The measurement model

We’ll model both under-reporting and measurement error. We want E[cases|C]=ρC, where C is the true incidence and 0<ρ<1 is the reporting efficiency. We’ll also assume that Var[cases|C]=ρ(1ρ)C+(ψρC)2, where ψ quantifies overdispersion. Note that when ψ=0, the variance-mean relation is that of the binomial distribution. To be specific, we’ll choose cases|Cf(|ρ,ψ,C), where f(c|ρ,ψ,C)=Φ(c+12,ρC,ρ(1ρ)C+(ψρC)2)Φ(c12,ρC,ρ(1ρ)C+(ψρC)2), where Φ(x,μ,σ2) is the c.d.f. of the normal distribution with mean μ and variance σ2.

The following computes P[cases|C].

dmeas <- Csnippet("
  double m = rho*C;
  double v = m*(1.0-rho+psi*psi*m);
  double tol = 1.0e-18;
  if (cases > 0.0) {
    lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)-pnorm(cases-0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)+tol;
  } else {
    lik = pnorm(cases+0.5,m,sqrt(v)+tol,1,0)+tol;

The following codes simulate cases|C.

rmeas <- Csnippet("
  double m = rho*C;
  double v = m*(1.0-rho+psi*psi*m);
  double tol = 1.0e-18;
  cases = rnorm(m,sqrt(v)+tol);
  if (cases > 0.0) {
    cases = nearbyint(cases);
  } else {
    cases = 0.0;

Constructing the pomp object

We put all the model components together with the data in a call to pomp:

dat %>% 
  ) -> m1

The following codes plot the data and covariates together.

m1 %>% %>% 
  melt(id="time") %>%

He et al. (2010) estimated the parameters of this model. The full set is included in the R code accompanying this document, where they are read into a data frame called mles.

mles %>% subset(town=="London") -> mle
paramnames <- c("R0","mu","sigma","gamma","alpha","iota",
mle %>% extract(paramnames) %>% unlist() -> theta
mle %>% subset(select=-c(S_0,E_0,I_0,R_0)) %>%
town loglik mu delay sigma gamma rho R0 amplitude alpha iota cohort psi sigmaSE
London -3804.9 0.16 0.02 4 28.9 30.4 0.488 56.8 0.554 0.976 2.9 0.557 0.116 0.0878

Verify that we get the same likelihood as He et al. (2010).




) %dopar% {
} -> pfs
##                          se 
## -3800.9542945     0.3404236

Simulations at the MLE:

m1 %>% 
  simulate(params=theta,nsim=9,, %>%

Parameter transformations

The parameters are constrained to be positive, and some of them are constrained to lie between 0 and 1. We can turn the likelihood maximization problem into an unconstrained maximization problem by transforming the parameters. The following Csnippets implement such a transformation and its inverse.

toEst <- Csnippet("
  Tmu = log(mu);
  Tsigma = log(sigma);
  Tgamma = log(gamma);
  Talpha = log(alpha);
  Tiota = log(iota);
  Trho = logit(rho);
  Tcohort = logit(cohort);
  Tamplitude = logit(amplitude);
  TsigmaSE = log(sigmaSE);
  Tpsi = log(psi);
  TR0 = log(R0);
  to_log_barycentric (&TS_0, &S_0, 4);

fromEst <- Csnippet("
  Tmu = exp(mu);
  Tsigma = exp(sigma);
  Tgamma = exp(gamma);
  Talpha = exp(alpha);
  Tiota = exp(iota);
  Trho = expit(rho);
  Tcohort = expit(cohort);
  Tamplitude = expit(amplitude);
  TsigmaSE = exp(sigmaSE);
  Tpsi = exp(psi);
  TR0 = exp(R0);
  from_log_barycentric (&TS_0, &S_0, 4);

                  "S_0","E_0","I_0","R_0")) -> m1

Results from He et al. (2010)

Fitting procedures

  • A large Latin-hypercube design was used to initiate searches.
  • Iterated filtering was used to maximize the likelihood.
  • We obtained point estimates of all parameters for 20 cities.
  • We constructed profile likelihoods to quantify uncertainty in London and Hastings.

Imported infections

force of infection=μSE=β(t)N(t)(I+ι)ζ(t)


Notable findings

Cohort effect

Birth delay

Profile likelihood for birth-cohort delay, showing 95% and 99% critical values of the log likelihood.

Profile likelihood for birth-cohort delay, showing 95% and 99% critical values of the log likelihood.

Reporting rate

Predicted vs observed critical community size

Problematic results


  • Recall that R0 is the basic reproduction number: a measure of how communicable an infection is.
  • Existing estimates of R0 (c. 15–20) come from two sources:
  • serology surveys
  • models fit to data using feature-based methods

Parameter estimates

pop R0 amplitude LP IP alpha iota rho psi sigmaSE
Halesworth 2170 33.100 0.381 7.870 2.290 0.948 0.00912 0.754 0.641 0.0748
Lees 4250 29.700 0.153 8.510 2.050 0.968 0.03110 0.612 0.681 0.0802
Mold 6410 21.400 0.271 5.930 1.780 1.040 0.01450 0.131 2.870 0.0544 10600 28.300 0.203 5.480 1.980 0.989 0.03860 0.455 0.818 0.0779
Oswestry 11000 52.900 0.339 10.300 2.710 1.040 0.02980 0.631 0.476 0.0699
Northwich 18300 30.100 0.423 8.510 3.020 0.948 0.06020 0.795 0.402 0.0857
Bedwellty 28900 24.700 0.160 6.820 3.030 0.937 0.03960 0.311 0.951 0.0611
Consett 39100 35.900 0.200 9.080 2.660 1.010 0.07310 0.650 0.406 0.0712
Hastings 65700 34.200 0.299 7.000 5.440 1.000 0.18600 0.695 0.396 0.0955
Cardiff 245000 34.400 0.223 9.870 3.090 0.996 0.14100 0.602 0.270 0.0539
Bradford 294000 32.100 0.236 8.510 3.360 0.991 0.24400 0.599 0.190 0.0451
Hull 302000 38.900 0.221 9.180 5.460 0.968 0.14200 0.582 0.256 0.0636
Nottingham 307000 22.600 0.157 5.720 3.700 0.982 0.17000 0.609 0.258 0.0380
Bristol 443000 26.800 0.203 6.190 4.940 1.010 0.44100 0.626 0.201 0.0392
Leeds 510000 47.800 0.267 9.480 10.900 1.000 1.25000 0.666 0.167 0.0778
Sheffield 515000 33.100 0.313 7.230 6.380 1.020 0.85300 0.649 0.175 0.0428
Manchester 704000 32.900 0.290 11.100 6.940 0.965 0.59000 0.550 0.161 0.0551
Liverpool 802000 48.100 0.305 7.900 9.800 0.978 0.26300 0.494 0.136 0.0533
Birmingham 1120000 43.400 0.428 8.510 11.600 1.010 0.34300 0.544 0.178 0.0611
London 3390000 56.800 0.554 13.100 12.500 0.976 2.90000 0.488 0.116 0.0878
r NA 0.455 0.301 0.322 0.946 0.106 0.93200 -0.203 -0.931 -0.3260


Extrademographic stochasticity



  1. What does it mean that parameter estimates from the fitting disagree with estimates from other data?
  2. How can one interpret the correlation between infectious period and city size in the parameter estimates?
  3. How do we interpret the need for extrademographic stochasticity in this model?

Simulations at the MLE:

m1 %>% 
  simulate(params=theta,nsim=100,, %>%
  subset(select=c(time,sim,cases)) %>%
  mutate(data=sim=="data") %>%
        p=c(0.05,0.5,0.95),q=quantile(cases,prob=p,names=FALSE)) %>%
         data=mapvalues(data,from=c(TRUE,FALSE),to=c("data","simulation"))) %>%
  dcast(time+data~p,value.var='q') %>%


Exercise: Reformulate the model

Modify the He et al. (2010) model to remove the cohort effect. Run simulations and compute likelihoods to convince yourself that the resulting codes agree with the original ones for cohort = 0.

Now modify the transmission seasonality to use a sinusoidal form. How many parameters must you use? Fixing the other parameters at their MLE values, compute and visualize a profile likelihood over these parameters.

Exercise: Extrademographic stochasticity

Set the extrademographic stochasticity parameter σSE=0, set α=1, and fix ρ and ι at their MLE values, then maximize the likelihood over the remaining parameters. How do your results compare with those at the MLE? Compare likelihoods but also use simulations to diagnose differences between the models.

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R codes for this document

Profile likelihood computation for this example


Bhadra, A., E. L. Ionides, K. Laneri, M. Pascual, M. Bouma, and R. Dhiman. 2011. Malaria in Northwest India: Data analysis via partially observed stochastic differential equation models driven by Lévy noise. Journal of the American Statistical Association 106:440–451.

He, D., E. L. Ionides, and A. A. King. 2010. Plug-and-play inference for disease dynamics: Measles in large and small populations as a case study. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 7:271–283.

Rohani, P., and A. A. King. 2010. Never mind the length, feel the quality: The impact of long-term epidemiological data sets on theory, application and policy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:611–618.