Processing math: 100%
  • Objectives
  • Data and model
    • Situation-report data
    • An SEIR model with gamma-distributed latent and infectious periods
    • Process model simulator
    • Deterministic skeleton
    • Measurement model: overdispersed count data
    • Pomp construction
  • References

R codes for this document

This document is derived from King, Domenech de Cellès, Magpantay, and Rohani (2015) and the data supplement archived on

Produced in R version 4.3.2 using pomp version 5.6.


  1. To present the pomp codes used in the Ebola case study.
  2. To enable reproducibility of the case study and re-application of these codes in other situations.

All codes needed to reproduce the results of the original King et al. (2015) paper are available on

Data and model

Situation-report data

Download the data from the WHO Situation Report of 1 October 2014:

read_csv("") -> dat

# A tibble: 74 × 4
    week date       country cases
   <dbl> <date>     <chr>   <dbl>
 1     1 2014-01-05 Guinea  2.24 
 2     2 2014-01-12 Guinea  2.24 
 3     3 2014-01-19 Guinea  0.073
 4     4 2014-01-26 Guinea  5.72 
 5     5 2014-02-02 Guinea  3.95 
 6     6 2014-02-09 Guinea  5.44 
 7     7 2014-02-16 Guinea  3.27 
 8     8 2014-02-23 Guinea  5.76 
 9     9 2014-03-02 Guinea  7.62 
10    10 2014-03-09 Guinea  7.62 
# ℹ 64 more rows

Supplementing these data are population estimates for the three countries. These are census figures from 2014.

populations <- c(Guinea=10628972,Liberia=4092310,SierraLeone=6190280)
dat |>

An SEIR model with gamma-distributed latent and infectious periods

Many of the early modeling efforts used variants on the simple SEIR model. Here, we’ll focus on a variant that attempts a more careful description of the duration of the latent period. Specifically, this model assumes that the amount of time an infection remains latent is LPGamma(m,1mα), where m is an integer. This means that the latent period has expectation 1/α and variance 1/(mα). In this document, we’ll fix m=3.

We implement Gamma distributions using the so-called linear chain trick.

Model flow diagram.

Process model simulator

rSim <- Csnippet("
  double lambda, beta;
  double *E = &E1;
  beta = R0 * gamma; // Transmission rate
  lambda = beta * I / N; // Force of infection
  int i;

  // Transitions
  // From class S
  double transS = rbinom(S, 1.0 - exp(- lambda * dt)); // No of infections
  // From class E
  double transE[nstageE]; // No of transitions between classes E
  for(i = 0; i < nstageE; i++){
    transE[i] = rbinom(E[i], 1.0 - exp(-nstageE * alpha * dt));
  // From class I
  double transI = rbinom(I, 1.0 - exp(-gamma * dt)); // No of transitions I->R

  // Balance the equations
  S -= transS;
  E[0] += transS - transE[0];
  for(i=1; i < nstageE; i++) {
    E[i] += transE[i-1] - transE[i];
  I += transE[nstageE-1] - transI;
  R += transI;
  N_EI += transE[nstageE-1]; // No of transitions from E to I
  N_IR += transI; // No of transitions from I to R

rInit <- Csnippet("
  double m = N/(S_0+E_0+I_0+R_0);
  double *E = &E1;
  int j;
  S = nearbyint(m*S_0);
  for (j = 0; j < nstageE; j++) E[j] = nearbyint(m*E_0/nstageE);
  I = nearbyint(m*I_0);
  R = nearbyint(m*R_0);
  N_EI = 0;
  N_IR = 0;

Deterministic skeleton

The deterministic skeleton is a vectorfield (i.e., a system of ordinary differential equations). The following C snippet computes the components of this vectorfield as functions of the state variables and parameters.

skel <- Csnippet("
  double lambda, beta;
  const double *E = &E1;
  double *DE = &DE1;
  beta = R0 * gamma; // Transmission rate
  lambda = beta * I / N; // Force of infection
  int i;

  // Balance the equations
  DS = - lambda * S;
  DE[0] = lambda * S - nstageE * alpha * E[0];
  for (i=1; i < nstageE; i++)
    DE[i] = nstageE * alpha * (E[i-1]-E[i]);
  DI = nstageE * alpha * E[nstageE-1] - gamma * I;
  DR = gamma * I;
  DN_EI = nstageE * alpha * E[nstageE-1];
  DN_IR = gamma * I;

Measurement model: overdispersed count data

Ct|Ht is negative binomial with E[Ct|Ht]=ρHt and Var[Ct|Ht]=ρHt(1+kρHt).

dObs <- Csnippet("
  double f;
  if (k > 0.0)
    f = dnbinom_mu(nearbyint(cases),1.0/k,rho*N_EI,1);
    f = dpois(nearbyint(cases),rho*N_EI,1);
  lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);

rObs <- Csnippet("
  if (k > 0) {
    cases = rnbinom_mu(1.0/k,rho*N_EI);
  } else {
    cases = rpois(rho*N_EI);

Pomp construction

The following function constructs a pomp object to hold the data for any one of the countries. It demonstrates one level of abstraction above the basic pomp constructor.

ebolaModel <- function (country=c("Guinea", "SierraLeone", "Liberia"),
  timestep = 0.1, nstageE = 3) {

  ctry <- match.arg(country)
  pop <- unname(populations[ctry])
  nstageE <- as.integer(nstageE)

  globs <- paste0("static int nstageE = ",nstageE,";")

  dat |> filter(country==ctry) |> select(-country) -> dat

  ## Create the pomp object
  dat |>
    select(week,cases) |>
      dmeasure=dObs, rmeasure=rObs,
      rprocess=discrete_time(, delta.t=timestep),
    ) -> po

ebolaModel("Guinea") -> gin
ebolaModel("SierraLeone") -> sle
ebolaModel("Liberia") -> lbr


King AA, Domenech de Cellès M, Magpantay FMG, Rohani P (2015). “Avoidable Errors in the Modelling of Outbreaks of Emerging Pathogens, with Special Reference to Ebola.” Proc R Soc Lond B, 282(1806), 20150347.

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