Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses

Documentation for package ‘ouch’ version 2.20-0

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ouch-package Ornstein-Uhlenbeck methods for comparative phylogenetic hypotheses
anolis.ssd Greater Antillean anolis lizard sexual size dimorphism data
ape2ouch Phylogenetic tree object in 'ouch' format
as.data.frame.browntree Coerce an 'ouch' object to a data frame
as.data.frame.hansentree Coerce an 'ouch' object to a data frame
as.data.frame.ouchtree Coerce an 'ouch' object to a data frame
as_data_frame Coerce an 'ouch' object to a data frame
bimac Anolis bimaculatus lizard size data
bootstrap Bootstrapping for uncertainty quantification
bootstrap-method Bootstrapping for uncertainty quantification
brown Phylogenetic Brownian motion models
browntree-class Phylogenetic Brownian motion models
coef Model coefficients
coef-method Model coefficients
geospiza Data on Darwin's finches
hansen Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models of trait evolution
hansentree-class Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models of trait evolution
logLik Log likelihood of a fitted model
logLik-method Log likelihood of a fitted model
ouch Ornstein-Uhlenbeck methods for comparative phylogenetic hypotheses
ouch,package Ornstein-Uhlenbeck methods for comparative phylogenetic hypotheses
ouchtree Phylogenetic tree object in 'ouch' format
ouchtree-class Phylogenetic tree object in 'ouch' format
paint Painting regimes on a phylogenetic tree
plot 'ouch' plotting functions
plot-method 'ouch' plotting functions
simulate Simulations of a phylogenetic trait model
simulate-method Simulations of a phylogenetic trait model
summary Summary methods
summary-method Summary methods
update Update and refit an 'ouch' model
update-method Update and refit an 'ouch' model